Saturday, June 17, 2006


Greeting everyone from the Post,

Thought we might chat for a bit. Doncha just love email? Some of its good some will leave you wondering about people. I like mine to keep in touch with all my friends I have made around the country as I traveled in my work. Sometimes it's quite handy for shopping when you just cannot tolerate a trip to the mall. That is especially true for me during the holiday season. I'm more of a "buyer" than a "shopper"......I go, I see and I buy! The mall is about seventy five miles away which makes for another good reason to shop the web.

Well, back to the subject of email. I hate those "chain thang" emails. But, the very worst are those petitions! Yesterday for the gazillionith time I got one of those "Petition to reinstate prayer in the schools" to be sent to Pres. Bush. Now, I'm a fairly reasonable lady and I believe to each his own. But, when you just keep filling my mail box with those things, I am pretty sure you will hear from me. And that is how it happened.

"Please keep this petition going to Pres. Bush to reinstate prayer in the schools"?? Pardon me? Was he responsible for taking it out? Oh no, that's right. It was Madelyn Murry O'Hara; and we (yep, you and I) that allowed all her protesting, yelling and belly aching to take the issue all the way to the Supreme Court to get it done. Nope, it didn't happen over night, but we didn't lift one keyboard finger to stop her! How many of you can honestly say you wrote a letter to your Congressman? your state Legislator? the President? Anybody? Did your church get a petition going to stop her? No? Gee, imagine that. Well, I am a big letter writing person and I like for my voice to be heard. People died that I might have the freedom to do just that. And she was not one of them.

Several years ago here there was a big push for a petition to not allow pets in the Nursing Home facilities because one (YEP...ONE) person thought they were unclean. Isn't that an oxymoron? Have your toured your local nursing home facility? Any in the neighboring communities? A nice trained dog would be an addition to some of them. I got on my e-keys, letter writing campaign and recruited some of my friends help. Today we have some of the cutes dogs, cats, birds and even people entertaining and loving each other in all the facilities around here. Love can change most anybodies attitude. They love each other being around. My friends and I go and do the small chores of caring for the animals, take food and provide the necessities of the animals. The bonus of that is the residents there have come to look forward to visiting with us. It's good for them and us. People sharing God's love.

I still love email. Keeps me in touch with those friends of mine in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. that are still fighting and dying so I can sit with my fingers on these keys and post my opinion. I write to them on a regular basis here and in snail mail. Send those packages, as well. I love email.

May your weekend be blessed. Attend the church of your choice but attend somewhere. While you're there pray for each other, our county and new Christian growth.

Til next time we see you here on the Post.
Sherri Sue

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Dress Code

Greetings from the Post,

I have been away for a while and missed you all. Trust the Lord has blessed all of you these past weeks. But, He is better to us than we are to Him for sure.

We were standing in the restaurant waiting for the rest of our party. Three young "men" (loosely used) walked in to be seated. I am pretty tolerant person for the most part. However, I do have my limits. As they walked past us to be seated one could not miss the dress or lack of. They all had on very bright boxer underwear. Now how would I know that? Simple!! They also had on knee ( most likely normal length ) length denim shorts pulled down under their buttocks and held up with a very tight belt that was strapped under their buttocks. They were wearing white undershirts. Now, it may be me but I think that term "under" is exactly what it means. Under something else, but that was not the case. As they took a few steps away they turned and looked at we ladies to be sure we were looking. And, we were ;in great disgust.

Being a rather plain spoken lady I asked the manger on duty if it was customary to allow this type of dress to be seated. His reply was not a great surprise given the morals of todays society. They were wearing "shoes and shirt"!! My next question was "Isn't that known as flashing? Exposing?" But of course not. They could not enforce that type of law. Really? What if I had my underwear hanging out? No, that would be "indecent exposure". After much exchange of dialogue I surmised I was fighting a loosing battle. My party and I left after filing a complaint with the restaurant. I am sure they really didn't care that we left.

What have we done to the moral standards of our country? When did we decide to let our young people be in public half or more exposed? Have we not thought about the other person? My Dad always said I was born a hundred years to late. I should have been in the 1800's so I could enjoy the long dresses and bonnets. Maybe so, but I would have been much more comfortable in public and not felt I offended anyone. Maybe turn a few head for the better I would hope.

Just a bit a venting here. Tell me how you feel. How moralisticly low can we get?

Until next time on the Post

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Greetings from the Post,

I attended a local function that had a guest speaker last night. This was not a religious function at all. However, it took about thirty seconds to see that this speaker had religion on the mind. I have no great opposition to religion or people talking about it; quite the opposite I love to hear it. My point is there is a time and place for all things. This was a dinner to honor a special person here at the home place. It got me to thinking about why we always want to make people see things our way. Is it really that important? Because we don't have the same opinion mean that one of us is right or one is wrong? Could it possibly be that we see things a bit differently? Maybe you think you husband, kids, dog or cat is the absolute best looking; smartest, etc that ever was or is. I would have to disagree in that I am sure mine are. (And by the way, that wouldn't work since I have none of the above).
My point: this is our country, "land of the free, Home of the brave".....THE most important part....."UNDER GOD"! Makes my country heart beat a bit faster when you get to that part.
Just the wanderings of a country gals heart. See you next time at the Post.
Til then.....God Bless.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Miracle of Books

Well, I just read the latest from Pastor Brandenburg, and I tell you he is off and running with another blog post. The last one was about anger..and no I did not make that up. Anger is mention several times in the Bible and he would be the one the write about it.
But, the latest is some fellow that compares "Pastor B to the Mormans"! Excuse me? That is so far fetched even I cannot fall for that. Will it sell books? I should hope we are not that desperate for something to read. Does not even meet the test of common sense.
When I was a young girl growing up in the north we had a salesman that came by our house routinely about three times a year "selling" something. Finally Daddy said..."Honey, everybody has to do something. He just does'nt have much to do!" So, I would wonder if that is the case here? Well, I dont know but as Daddy use to say...."I do have bigger fish to fry".
Until next time.....See you back here at the Post..

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Welcome to the Post

Welcome to Sherris Post. Come and visit share a thought exchange idea or just chat. Your welcome anytime. Life is all about sharing. Got a favorite scripture? Mine is Jerimiah 29:11....Tell me yours?.