Saturday, May 13, 2006


Greetings from the Post,

I attended a local function that had a guest speaker last night. This was not a religious function at all. However, it took about thirty seconds to see that this speaker had religion on the mind. I have no great opposition to religion or people talking about it; quite the opposite I love to hear it. My point is there is a time and place for all things. This was a dinner to honor a special person here at the home place. It got me to thinking about why we always want to make people see things our way. Is it really that important? Because we don't have the same opinion mean that one of us is right or one is wrong? Could it possibly be that we see things a bit differently? Maybe you think you husband, kids, dog or cat is the absolute best looking; smartest, etc that ever was or is. I would have to disagree in that I am sure mine are. (And by the way, that wouldn't work since I have none of the above).
My point: this is our country, "land of the free, Home of the brave".....THE most important part....."UNDER GOD"! Makes my country heart beat a bit faster when you get to that part.
Just the wanderings of a country gals heart. See you next time at the Post.
Til then.....God Bless.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Miracle of Books

Well, I just read the latest from Pastor Brandenburg, and I tell you he is off and running with another blog post. The last one was about anger..and no I did not make that up. Anger is mention several times in the Bible and he would be the one the write about it.
But, the latest is some fellow that compares "Pastor B to the Mormans"! Excuse me? That is so far fetched even I cannot fall for that. Will it sell books? I should hope we are not that desperate for something to read. Does not even meet the test of common sense.
When I was a young girl growing up in the north we had a salesman that came by our house routinely about three times a year "selling" something. Finally Daddy said..."Honey, everybody has to do something. He just does'nt have much to do!" So, I would wonder if that is the case here? Well, I dont know but as Daddy use to say...."I do have bigger fish to fry".
Until next time.....See you back here at the Post..